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Open House

Date – Time

Tuesday Night – 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM

Additional Information

Open House Night April 2nd 6:30 - 8:30PM
We will have student demonstrations and a time to meet our families and ask questions.

Registration required, click the "sign up now" button below.

  • Fill out "General Information" for parent.
  • Fill out one "Attendee" section for each child with their age.  Click + button for each additional child. 

Exact location for Open House emailed upon registration. (for safety)

Our local tournament will be in Moorseville on April 12th &13th. Preference for acceptance to club given to families willing to judge a round at this local tournament. It will give you a good idea of what tournaments look like, which may be very helpful in your decision of whether to apply.  It takes about a 3 hour commitment to be orientated/trained and to judge a round.  Guest judges may bring students who can sit quietly and watch a round of about an hour. Refreshments are served for guest judges in our hospitality room.

Email JoAnn @ [email protected] if you have questions or if you would like to hear more about judging a round of speech or debate.  


Signup is currently closed.

The Signup Deadline for this event was 3/30/2024 – 11:55 PM EST

Email the Event Coordinator – [email protected]