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Explore our Club

Intersted in our club?

Work your way through the steps.

  1. Explore the CCA website (our umbrella organization)

  2. Read our handbook

  3. Email us for any questions.

  4. Appications are open and close June 7th.  Click here to apply.

Who We Are

Welcome to the Forum Speech and Debate website.

Weekly club meetings are held throughout the school year on Tuesday evenings in Plainfield, Indiana. First semester meetings consist of an academic (but enjoyable) Varsity parent/student speech workshop, with separate speech classes for younger students. Homework will be assigned. Second semester meetings involve preparation for competition.

We are an academic competitive travel league with a maximum of 4 tournaments per year. BOTH parents are required to judge or work at the local home tournament. (Some exemptions apply)

We require that both parents read our handbook prior to applying to the club. 


Assisting home schooling parents in discipling their children through the development of critical thinking and effective communications for the Glory of God.

"Always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect." 1 Peter 3:13


Christian Communicators of America
The EASY Button! The basis for what we do and how we do it. Our standards of competition.
Forum Handbook


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